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menu di natale alla piemontese

Christmas Menu Piemontese Style

Churning out theChristmas Menu is no easy feat and what to make to eat is a doubt that usually plagues until the last second, or do you belong to that category of people who already have in mind what to cook as early as August?

We actually belong to the first category, but this year we decided to surprise you: with the hope that it will be a special Christmas, we want to keep you company and brighten up your Holidays with a Christmas menu 🎅 It can be prepared for Christmas Eve dinner, as long as you are not among those who abide by the lean tradition, and it is perfect for lunch on the 25th. But you can easily replicate it on other holidays as well and – why not? – For the New Year’s Eve dinner! We have come up with a Piedmont-style Christmas Menu to bring tradition and a bit of our culture to your table . With a few, but tasty dishes, we will take you from appetizer to dessert 😋Christmas menu photos Here are the recipes we have chosen for this Piedmont-style Christmas Menu:

And now…well,

it’s time to lace up your apron…!  If you were also in need of yummy, native Christmas gift ideas take a look at our Pastry Goodies or Cookie Bakers


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