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Posts by Fabrizio Cavanna

Is palm oil really bad for you?

An oil as discussed as it is important: palm oil. Palm oil is a vegetable oil obtained by pressing the pulp of the fruit of oil palms. It is themost widely consumed edible vegetable oil in the world given its inexpensiveness, and its ability to be very high performance by imparting creaminess to products. It is found in a great…

Slow tourism: the example of the Maira Valley

The rediscovery of authentic and unspoiled places. A different travel philosophy than usual, a new way of traveling by immersing yourself in the territories where you are hosted. We are lucky enough to live in a place, in an area where there are many authentic realities, where you can breathe the tradition of a time gone by, where you can…

What is the difference between dairy-free and lactose-free?

Milk allergy and lactose intolerance are not the same thing. Food intolerances are part of a larger group of disorders defined as adverse reactions to food. Both allergies and food intolerances are part of this group.   This topic involves more and more people, so it is good to shed light on the differences, the various types, and what can…

How to store bread

How good is freshly baked bread Maybe still lukewarm that gets eaten one slice after another…. But of course having fresh bread on the table every day is not easy, if we talk about homemade bread I would say impossible because unfortunately we don’t have the time to knead, bake and serve bread every day. It would be enough to…

How to Save an Unleavened Dough

To make workmanlike doughs we need to follow a series of rules and steps that will allow us to achieve proper leavening In this guide, we reveal the secrets and tricks for getting top-notch doughs every time and how to recover an unrisen dough From the temperature to the minutiae to the ingredients to be used, let’s find out together…

Celiac disease vs Intolerance

In the field of food intolerances, gluten intolerance is among the best known and most widespread: the percentage of people who have to deal with this condition every day is steadily increasing and also affects children. That of gluten sensitivity is a complex topic that medicine has not yet fully resolved, as there are currently no definitive “cures” for gluten-related…

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