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crema spalmabile senza glutine e senza olio di palma

Homemade hazelnut cream

The world-renowned creamy spread that appeals to young and old alike, where one spoonful leads to another.
Our version with IGP Piedmont Hazelnuts.

Hazelnut cream is truly the ultimate spread, ideal for a mouth-watering breakfast or snack with friends, to spread on a slice of bread or to “dunk” breadsticks in.
The flavor of our Piedmont hazelnuts together with the sweetness of milk chocolate and the bitterness of dark chocolate create a truly irresistible mix.
The original, or rather say the best known and most readily available on the market is definitely Ferrero’s, the phantom Nutella, but there are currently many variations of it on the market with an ingredient list that makes you feel less guilty.
In fact, as you well know, the first ingredient on the list is the one with the largest amount within the product, and in the case of Nutella, in first place we find sugar, in second place palm oil, and only in third place hazelnuts.
This scares us, both because of the amount of sugar and the presence of palm oil, see in-depth article How much does palm oil scare us?

If you can’t resist the yummiest spread there is, we offer a healthy and wholesome alternative: a super simple recipe that can be prepared in minutes and won’t make you feel guilty.

At the first taste you immediately feel the taste of hazelnut, slightly rough on the palate but so natural, at the second taste you savor all the deliciousness of chocolate.
Call it what you will: homemade Nutella, hazelnut spread, hazelnut spread etc…
Our version is palm oil-free, butter-free, naturally gluten-free, egg-free, vegan and (almost) sugar-free: can’t believe it?
Yes we do, here is the recipe for making a sweet igp hazelnut cream.

crema spalmabile

Crema spalmabile alle nocciole

fatta in casa
Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Course break, Breakfast, merenda, Snack
Cuisine gluttonous cuisine, gluten free, Italian, easy
Servings 1 vasetto



  • Nella ciotola del mixer versare la granella di nocciole, meglio se in due riprese, con un goccio di olio di semi e frullare fino ad ottenere una crema priva di grumi e omogenea.
  • In un pentolino far sciogliere a bagnomaria il cioccolato.
  • Se la ciotola è sufficientemente capiente potete unirvi tutti gli ingredienti, altrimenti meglio trasferire il tutto nel bicchiere del frullatore ad immersione.
    Unire la crema di nocciole, il cioccolato fuso, il restante olio, lo zucchero di canna ed il cacao.
  • Frullare tutto (con mixer o frullatore ad immersione) sino ad ottenere una crema omogenea. (Risulterà leggermente liquida)
  • La crema di nocciole è pronta, trasferire in un vasetto e chiudere con coperchio.
  • Lasciare raffreddare completamente, consiglio un paio d'ore, ed sarà pronta da spalmare su una fetta di pane rustico.


Conservazione: la crema di nocciole fatta in casa si conserva in un vasetto ben chiuso per una settimana in dispensa a temperatura ambiente, in frigorifero per circa un mese avendo cura di lasciarla a temperatura ambiente per alcuni minuti prima di consumarla.
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